November 3, 2011

"I’d have to tell you that no matter what we go through, it’s all worthwhile for me because we’re together."


JASON IS OUT!! ^.^ So far things are going well for us and hopefully it'd would remain this way. Nothing eventful happen beside the release of Jason. My time have been pretty occupied with work and keeping the boy accompany lately. Owell... there are so much for us to catch up and i really love spending time with him. Yet, times when we're together are so limited due to both of us have to work. :(:(


Anonymous said...

Hi jiajia! do u have any ways to slim down? im not saying u fat but i just need help.

Jiajia said...

Hi there! The best method i'd suggest you is to exercise regularly and watch your diet. In order to lose weight, your intake of calories daily have to be lesser than what your body needs. I know it's common sense though? I wish i knew some magical methods for losing weight too!